Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year and Some Rambling...

WHA, WHA, WHA, WHA... For some reason that is all I hear when I read some blogs(you know Charlie Brown's teacher's voice) Melody and I were talking about one blog imparticular, and it's like god is all this really necessary..Now last time I checked this was not or somebody tell me if when your reading my blog and you start to hear that please tell me! Now I know my blog really isn't that great but that's because it's new..and wait what am I thinking I don't have to beg for criticism on here...Oops my bad...

So I had to put that in because I wrote it last time I was on here and didn't post it and thought it was funny..But I haven't been on here in awhile we had this crazy ice storm a couple weeks ago and didn't have power for a week the day it happened I had to drive over tree's just to get to the clinic,no joke, we stayed at R's mom's house but we stayed longer then a week we stayed until the day after X-mas..By the way hope anyone that read's this had a good X-mas...But it was cool until R's mom got sick of us and was like freaking out if my daughter (yes her granddaughter) touched her stuff and she was getting annoyed with me she really wasn't that bad she just had a tone in her voice I didn't like, but whatever were home now and she gave us a pretty good X-mas so it's all good...So New Years also happens to be my mom's b-day and let me tell you my mom is crazy, I love her but she sucks as a mom at least now, she was awesome when I was little but when she divorced her second husband (my brother's dad) she just lost it and it never returned.She's mad because I didn't go see her today....Now just so everyone has some insight I can't remember the last time I saw my mother on my birthday or any day that is supposed to be special or whatever..She expects everything from me but gives nothing in return...She is to selfish to see past her own nose..She says she moved up near me to be closer to me but she just moved to prove to her third husband that she would move and could move...UHG! I don't even want to write about her anymore....
So R. went out to get a pound of weed and has been gone forever, while I'm chillin with the little one...and that is fiiiine with me....Here's a ? for you that read: Have you ever felt like your with the wrong person or with someone for the wrong reasons? I love R. but sometimes I just don't think it will work he is too over powering..I love the Anon. that asked if I'm twelve and live with my daddy..Yeah you hit the nail on the head you fuckin' jackass...Both of those are not true, obviously, it comes down to me not knowing what to do and I'm afraid of getting my daughter taken from me by him. Oh and I love the part about weak women that suck...Who is the weak one not leaving a name, huh? Now that's weak...Anyways enough of that, before I go I will say what I wouldn't do for a shot of dope that I could feel!!!! I hate having a blocker in me!! I miss Heroin alot..I was waay happier on it..I gotta go for now and put my girl to bed I might hop back on later if not Happy New Year somebody do a shot a dope for me, not too much though....:)